Don’t Work Harder; Work Smarter with These 8 Tips

I’m sure you walk into work every morning with a large to-do list on your desk waiting to be tackled throughout the day. However, you may find yourself rushing half of the tasks as you run out of time. Therefore these tips offer a solution to working smarter, rather than harder. 1) Improve your time management skills Although for many workers this can seem easier said than done, there are actually a few simple rules to help manage your time. For example, when tackling a top priority task, I would recommend turning off your phone and email notifications to avoid a direct distraction. Avoiding ideas of multi-tasking will also help, because once you begin another task that you think will only take a second will more than likely ruin your focus, potentially leading to other smaller tasks being done rather than the most important. Top tip: Set yourself a deadline and do everything in your power to stick to it! 2) Use the phone more often Nowadays in this electronic world, ...