6 Reasons Why You Should Have A LinkedIn Company Page
I think people under-estimate the impact of having a LinkedIn company page. You usually see company’s sticking to the usual Facebook and Twitter pages, without considering LinkedIn as a more professional website. A number of your employees could have personal LinkedIn profiles, but the company as a whole could be lacking one (unless you’re self-employed!) In comparison, personal profiles and company pages serve very different functions. So let’s explore these functions!
1. It showcases your company, not just a single employee
As some of you may know, LinkedIn has foundations built to showcase the user’s skills, not those of the company they work for. Members use the site for many reasons, two of which are: 1. To follow and network with other professionals, and 2. To follow companies with intentions of hearing about news and developments from that organisation.
We often see office supplying company giants, such as Staples, have thousands of followers who are interested in receiving office products based updates. Their posts tends to alternate between industry developments and their own announcements.
So now you need to ask yourself “What industry news or developments within your own business would be of interest to your target audience?”
Networking is important for gaining more company awareness throughout LinkedIn. Not only does the company page itself rely on doing this, but the connected employees themselves can also help with networking. For example, there is a ‘share an update’ status bar feature which enables the employees to share content posted by the company to which it is then shared to their own connections. Therefore, the more engaging your content, the further its reach.
2. Your employees act as indirect company ambassadors
When an employee of the company updates their personal experience section on their profile with your company’s name, this will automatically be attached to the company page. This is identified by an image of the company which is easy to click on and direct the profile viewer to the company page.
To avoid mistakes it is essential that you ensure everyone connecting the company on their personal LinkedIn pages has done it correctly. This will increase the chances that people will click the link and be sent to the company page. All you need to do now is ensure that your employees become well connected in the industry sectors you want to do business in.
3. You can measure the effectiveness of your updates
Whenever you post a new update on your company page, LinkedIn provides you with analytics which tells you how many times it has been viewed by a follower, how many clicks the post has generated (from the post to your company logo) and the number of interactions it has received (such as likes, comments or shares). This is expressed as a number and as a percentage of impressions. Therefore you can measure what posts do better than others for future reference so you begin posting engaging content. However, analytics are not available when you post an update from your personal LinkedIn profile, although you will see how many likes and comments the post has received and who has done so.
4. Be alerted when some mentions your company
A recent introduction to LinkedIn is a ‘Notifications’ section on company pages. This is a feature which sends you alerts to your email and to your company page whenever someone mentions your company in their personal status updates.
Adding to this is an opportunity for other users to tag your company name in their own posts. LinkedIn does this by automatically displaying the option in a drop down menu. You are alerted of this happening, and other users who are viewing the post can easily click on the link and be sent to your company page.
5. Promote your most important news
One of the challenges with using social media is that the frequent use of them can mean important posts you wish to remain noticed can be lost in the depths of your page. However, this is not a problem with a company page on LinkedIn as you can pin your most important posts to the top of your page to remain there until you choose to unpin it. Promoting a company event or a success story? Pin it!
6. Showcase your specialist services
The company admins can create showcase pages. In other words, they can each showcase their own skills which will be visible to other LinkedIn users. If your company deals with a wide range of services then you may want to showcase these individually to be easier for users to search for them, using the main company page as a landing page to showcase your business generally.
So, the big question. Should you use LinkedIn for your company?
From the 6 functions above it is clear that having a LinkedIn page will benefit your company. However, to really benefit from having the page, be sure to keep it updated as much as possible and gain as much networking as possible to begin with. After all, you have to start at the beginning!
I hope this has helped and good luck in creating your page!
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