5 Ways to Tell If Your Work-Life Balance Is Right

The world of business is becoming busier as the years go by, and modern workers are receiving a lot of strain from the never-ending office emails, less job security and turbulent economic conditions. But how do you recognise that your work-life balance is awry – and what can you do about it to avoid burn out? 1) You're always thinking about work This is probably the number one sign that things are out of kilter. While most people with a demanding job find it hard to forget about work completely when they are away from the office, if you wake up in the middle of the night obsessing about the next day's marketing meeting, then maybe things are getting on top of you. Another sign is Sunday-night blues, which get worse and worse as Monday morning approaches. Weekends are meant for relaxation and family time, not stressing about what you need to do in the working week. 2) Your family time is suffering Following on from this point, think about how much time...