How to stay business-focused in the summer holidays

Every parent knows that the summer holidays can affect your business. Depending on your child’s school, you could be looking at your kids being at home for about six to ten weeks. And as lovely as it is to spend quality time with your children, the summer holidays can play havoc with your work life. So what can you do about it? Here are some suggestions: 1) Prioritise Decide what is both urgent and important in your business, things like existing clients or new business requests. Make sure you give yourself time to action these at work, also remembering to give yourself time to arrange childcare if needed. 2) Ditch and automate Ditch the urgent but not important stuff. For example, you can schedule social media updates to be posted when you aren’t in the office (on weekends, etc.) so you don’t feel sucked into unimportant social media chats that aren’t really making a difference to your business. 3) Make a list Take an hour out of each week to list all the ...