8 Ways To Maintain Your Focus While Working

We all have those days at work where we feel incredibly drained and tired, and this can most certainly affect work productivity. Focus is a key part of productivity. It can be tough to keep your focus when dealing with all sorts of distractions both internal and external. However, even when you are concentrating it does not necessarily mean you are being productive.
Therefore, to be able to maintain a solid focus for optimal productivity, there are many solutions for you to try:

1. Have a good night’s sleep

Most of us who work will know the pain of early morning hours with little rest. This can definitely be a reason for a lack of focus because your energy is easily drained. Try getting into a sleeping routine – you will reduce stress, improve your memory and most importantly aid your productivity.

2. Eat right, stay healthy

Admit it, your stomach has growled aggressively at you in the office many times. The obvious solution is to look for something that keeps your stomach full and satisfied. However, make sure to choose healthy options to maintain a good health. Feeling ill is also another factor of your health which you want to avoid – and we all hate working whilst feeling ill. You can avoid these problems by planning a routine of what you eat and when.

3. Prioritise your tasks

It can be difficult being fully productive if you aren’t entirely sure what your focus should be towards. Prioritising tasks based on your target is advisable to be sure on what to focus on. Some workers find creating a list the best way to arrange tasks, putting the priority first. However there are several techniques to use when prioritising tasks, but remember to use one that works best for you.

4. Establish a deadline

Time is a very precious resource, and we all know it can often feel scarce. Therefore we need to make the most of the time we have by spending it wisely and appropriately. Don’t wait until the last minute to complete a task, make sure you tackle it within the first few days of receiving it to give yourself plenty of time to complete it. Setting these personal deadlines will heighten your focus and definitely increase your productivity – reducing stress and making you feel accomplished.

5. Take short breaks

We all need a good break during our day of work – so if you get stuck on something, try taking a short break to regain your focus. This could range from a 30 minute nap, organising documents, cleaning your desk or taking a quick walk to the kitchen to make a cuppa. Perhaps all you need to do is give yourself the chance to switch off for a short while, because the last thing you want is continuous strain and stress causing those monstrous migraines.

6. Avoid distractions

Sometimes, we find ourselves trying to find a distraction purely to take us away from the hard work we are doing. Gossiping is probably the most common scenario in the office. As good as office gossip is, there’s a time and a place for all that. Other distractions within the workplace are phone calls, social media and noise. Take measures to remove as many distractions as you can to allow yourself to remain focused on the task at hand.

7. Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly can benefit both your body and your mind. It gives you that essential energy boost and this will improve your mood. As we all know, work can put a lot of pressure on us, however if you create your own routine it can reduce your stress levels, giving you the essential focus on your health and your work.

8. Create lists

It is rare that you will find a busy worker without a to-do list. They are powerful things as they remind you what to do and when to do it by. However, they can become overwhelming when not properly organised. A great tip is to categorise your tasks to support your goals on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. This can guarantee a great deal of concentration and focus, leaving you confident in completing your tasks without thinking you have missed something. 


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