
Showing posts from November, 2015

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Need some handy tips for Black Friday?

As Friday approaches, more and more Black Friday deals are being talked about, advertised and spread all over social media. If it is done right, there is an opportunity to grab some great deals on offer. However, if it is done wrong, it can quickly become a headache-inducing day of stress and rushing around online and offline shops. Whatever it is you are hoping to pick up, from a tablet to a new television set – there are smart ways of tackling the madness using apps, sites and tools right under your nose: 1. Prepare yourself Preparation is everything, so it’s a good idea to create a list of what you are looking for before the shopping craze begins. You don’t have to stick to it, because we all have those compulsive purchases, but it helps save you running out of ideas. There are also many apps such as OneNote, Apple’s Notes and Evernote that allow you to embed web links to the gadgets in question. 2. Scour your spam folder There is a popular habit between m

Safer Driving in Winter

As the winter draws closer and closer to us, we find ourselves travelling to and from work in the cold weather. Snow and ice can cause many problems to our journey, from motoring breakdowns and accidents, to lost working time and understaffed offices. Productivity and workplace issues could both arise if any member of staff has an accident while travelling for work, therefore it is a good idea for businesses to inform or even provide equipment to employees before the winter arrives – giving them plenty of time to prepare. From driving kits to workplace policies, there are several examples that can be introduced within businesses to help reduce the aggravation of winter days: Winter work policy Introduce a policy that covers what people should do in the event of snow, ice or storms. Let them know what form of communication you will use to contact them, and vice versa. It might be worth considering if it is more practical for some employees to work from home rather t

6 Pictures That Show How Much Technology Has Changed

It is no secret, technology has rapidly changed our lives in the past few decades. From cassette tapes to iPods, and rotary phones to iPhones, nearly everything you have ever needed has become available in a pocket-sized smartphone. To showcase some of these changes between technology ‘not so long ago’ and ‘today’, we have taken the gadgets we used to use and compared them to the remarkably different equipment we use now in everyday life for the same tasks. 

Our November Newsletter...
