
Showing posts from January, 2016

'Fitness February'

January is practically over, and a popular New Year’s resolution made by us office workers was probably to lose weight or to keep fit whilst still working full time. It’s no secret that many of us fail to keep these resolutions because January typically includes a lot of stress-eating from returning to the office after a holiday of laziness and leftovers. You may realise your fitness regime is at a stand-still, but the fact is, just because you’re at work all day doesn’t mean you can’t stay fit and healthy. Therefore, use February as a start to make some simple lifestyle and work habit adjustments, such as: 1. Deskercise In the digital age, chances are most of us are desk bound at our workstation and get too little movement during the workday. Perhaps try stretching your leg and arm muscles every now and then or even stand at your desk whilst you work. The good thing is you’re increasing your activity levels…and you don’t even have to leave your office chair! 2.

Our January Newsletter...


How to survive your first day back at work after Christmas

We all go through it, the moment your holiday comes to an end and you have that miserable, panicky feeling in your stomach reminding you that you’ll be returning to work soon. No one enjoys going back to the office after a fun-filled break and some of wish there was a way to prevent the struggle of getting out of bed to do something productive. Luckily, there are a couple of ways to slowly push you back into routine, and you’ll soon function normally in your daily rhythm: 1. Choose to see the benefits of post-holiday time. We are all thinking it, why can’t we have more time off to laze around all day and eat endless leftovers? But try and get that thought out of your mind. The good side to the end of the holidays is that you’ve had the chance to rest, relax and enjoy yourself. The rush and busy few days before Christmas has ended both in work and in the home, therefore the peaceful and quiet time after the festive season has hopefully given you a well needed break.