5 Ways to Tell If Your Work-Life Balance Is Right

The world of business is becoming busier as the years go by, and modern workers are receiving a lot of strain from the never-ending office emails, less job security and turbulent economic conditions. But how do you recognise that your work-life balance is awry – and what can you do about it to avoid burn out?

1) You're always thinking about work

This is probably the number one sign that things are out of kilter. While most people with a demanding job find it hard to forget about work completely when they are away from the office, if you wake up in the middle of the night obsessing about the next day's marketing meeting, then maybe things are getting on top of you. Another sign is Sunday-night blues, which get worse and worse as Monday morning approaches. Weekends are meant for relaxation and family time, not stressing about what you need to do in the working week.

2) Your family time is suffering

Following on from this point, think about how much time you actually get to spend with loved ones. While you can justify working long hours as you are 'providing for your family,' they are unlikely to appreciate it much if they never see you – and you're irritable, tired and preoccupied during the time they do. If you have to commute, it can be hard to put aside much time for loved ones in the evenings, but you should be able to put aside SOME time – and weekends and holidays should remain valuable to you.

3) You are commuting and travelling too much

If you get offered an exciting job that requires travel, it's easy to underestimate the toll this can take on your health and wallet. Just commuting two hours a day adds up to 40 hours a month – that's like doing a whole other job! Road congestion and train delays can often prolong this, and it gets even worse if you have to travel for your job. Time spent sitting in your car, is just that, sitting, which is not particularly good for you, and then there's the stress of traffic jams and delays. And I haven't even mentioned how much commuting costs. So work out how much time you are spending on the road or train just to do your job, and think of all the other things you could be doing with that time...

4) You're self-medicating to cope with work stress

If you tend to reach for the booze or sugary/salty snacks when you get in after a long, tough day, it's another sign that work is taking its toll on the rest of your life. Liver specialists are getting increasingly concerned about white-collar wine drinkers who are polishing off half a bottle or a bottle every night to help unwind; this may seem innocuous, but half a bottle every night with a meal can add up to five units of alcohol. Over a week, this puts you way over the government's recommended intake for men and women and seriously increases your risk of liver disease, heart problems and even some cancers. Regular boozers pile on the pounds too, which is another health risk. Is it worth damaging your long-term health just to cope with your job?

5) So what you can do for a better balance?

There is no easy answer as everyone has to earn a living and modern life is often very stressful but here are some concrete suggestions...

Remember, less is more:
While you may think you are doing your family a service by taking on lots of overtime or extra work, think of the toll it will take on you, and the amount of time you get to spend with them. Remember the old saying that nobody wishes they'd spent more time at the office when they are on their deathbed? Your partner and kids will think the same way, and are unlikely to thank you for a bit of extra cash for holidays and gadgets if you are often absent or distracted for the rest of the year.

Manage your time better:
Often, getting a better balance is about working smarter, not harder, so consider ways you can prioritise your time in the office and be more effective. Maybe you could delegate more, or suggest other departments take on some of your duties. Chat to your boss or HR department for advice – wanting a better work-life balance is hardly revolutionary these days, as nobody wants you to break down or burn out.

Take breaks and holidays:
Do you take lunch hours or hunker over your computer with a sandwich? A bracing lunchtime walk is much more invigorating, and can help with problem solving and creative thinking as well as being great for your health. It's really important you take holidays too, so if your current job doesn't allow this, maybe it's time for a change

Request some working from home:
Recent legislation in the UK has made it much easier for employees to request some time to work from home, though this is easier in some jobs than others. Your boss is unlikely to complain too much if you are easily contactable and still productive; you are also saving on commuting, while they are saving on power and heating costs!

(Tips credited by Geoff Harris) 


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